Chemical Exfoliants Are A Must

Written By: Jasmine Amabile

Now I’m not an esthetician nor a dermatologist, but if you’re only using a physical exfoliant, I’m here to suggest otherwise.

If you’ve never used a cleanser and still felt dirty, well consider yourself lucky! However, some facial cleansers aren’t doing their job, and when this happens, we sometimes reach for a physical exfoliant to sand us down. Is that you? It’s cool it used to be me too!

Unless you were blessed by magic with great skin or have found the secret formula, this advice is for those who haven’t, I included. Once I introduced chemical exfoliants into my skincare pack, my skin thanked me with clarity.

I’m not talking about spending major cash in a professional’s office, unless that’s your thing and or you can afford it. I’m talking every other night at home spa-like chemical peels. A product that is going to improve the texture and tone of your skin while targeting stubborn impurities.

This step is usually done in my night time routine for better penetration into and onto the skin.

What you’ll find on the market is either a single-step or two-step chemical pad, but when it comes to choosing a product, look for one that has alpha-hydroxy acids – this helps exfoliate dead skin. An added plus in the ingredients is finding a product that also contains a humectant, this helps with hydration, lessening the chances in your skin drying out, especially if you have sensitive skin.


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