Hey loves! I hope everyone is having a nice week so far. As you all know, I recently had a Valentine’s Day contest for all of my single subscribers.
After sifting through videos and hearing fantastic answers to my initial prompt of why Valentine’s Day should be celebrated by everyone, I have chosen two fantastic women to receive the ultimate Jackie Aina Valentine’s Day experience.
Meet Tunmise and Morgan. These two beauties gave genuine and heartfelt answers that everyone could relate to in some way.
Both of them were each gifted a Louis Vuitton bag and their favorite beauty products. Tunmise even created a follow up video once she opened her boxes. They’ll also be receiving something else once Valentine’s Day comes, but that’s a a secret for now.

In the meantime, make sure you’re subscribed to my email list. A lot of things are happening this year and I want you all to know first!